Call No: P502-F2f4
Description: Lonesome Trailer movie
Date of origin: 1935
Type: Print
Size: 8
Condition: Very Good
[front] LT. 16 – #20
[back] N [N is circled] ; Cowden Adams, Edna Bennett, El Brendel in Lonesome Trailer – L.T-16 ; Return Photo to HARRY E. CHRISMAN 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215
[note] This view of the “Little Trailer” shows the expandable (concertina) sides and elevating roof of Hancock’s 1933-1935 trailers. Cowden Adams is the “doorman;” Edna Bennett and El Brendel, Warner Brothers stars, being charged with over-parking. Hancock’s expanded sides anticipated by 25 years the designs of today’s finest Mobile Homes. Photo courtesy Warner Brothers Studios. [Photo courtesy Warner Brothers Studios is underlined]
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is of a police officer pointing at a man in a sheet. The man is slightly bent over holding the trailer hitch in his hand. There is a dog sitting next to him. There is a woman standing on the other side of man. There are 2 children standing behind the police officer. There is an automobile behind the children parked in the street. There is an ornate huge building behind all of them. There are two shadows of people in foreground.
Other Info.: Photo has tape and tape tear marks on back. Photo is stained on back. Note has tape on top front.
Related to: P479-F2f4 (Chris (El Drondol [Brendel] ) in Lonesome Trailer movie), P481-F2f4 (Lonesome Trailer movie photo), P491-F2f4 (Chris (El Drondol [Brendel] ) in Lonesome Trailer), P492-F2f4 (Chris (El Drondol [Brendel] ) in Lonesome Trailer movie), P494-F2f4 (Lonesome Trailer movie photo), P498-F2f4 (Lonesome Trailer movie photo), P502-F2f4 (Lonesome Trailer movie), P503-F2f4 (Lonesome Trailer movie), P506-B1a3 (Inside of Hancock Trailer), P507-F2f4 (Lonesome Trailer Movie), P508-F2f4 (Lonesome Trailer Movie), P518-F2f4 (Lonesome Trailer Movie), P531-F2f4 (Lonesome Trailer Movie),
Subject: Actors, Cowden Adams, dog, Edna Bennett, El Brendel, Hancock trailer, Little Trailer, movie, Tige, Warner Brothers,