Call No: P318-F1b
Description: Portrait of Alec Foltz
Date of origin: 1880-1895
Type: Print
Size: 5 1/16 x 7
Condition: Good
[front] photo has red lines around man
[back] Alex Foltz Return to [stamp] HARRY E. CHRISMAN 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215
[note taped to back of photo] Alec Foltz Foltz was the foreman and wagon boss on the roundups in the mid Eighties for the Crooked L Ranch on Crooked Creek. He was a Texas man by birth and rubbed stirrups on the roundups with Jim Herron when a very young man. Photo courtesy Mrs. John King, xxxxxxxxx daughter. [photo courtesy Mrs. John King, xxxxxxxxx daughter is underlined]
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is of a man. He is in a suit and tie. Can see him from ribs up.
Other Info.: Photo has tape on top back.
Related to: P313-A2a2 (E. W. Wright’s parent’s homestead), P314-A5a (Merchant Ranch), P315-F2b5 (Portrait of Mr. Merchant and his daughters), P316-F2b1 (Portrait of Alex Foltz family), P317-A5a (Merchant Ranch), P312-A2b11 (Merchant home),
Subject: Alec Foltz, Crooked Creek, Crooked L Ranch, early settler, Foreman, Jim Herron, man, Mrs. John King,