Chrisman Collection

Harry E. Chrisman, former Liberal author and historian, donated a large collection of his writings, photographs, and other items to Liberal Memorial Library for the purpose of research. This database searches the contents of the Chrisman Collection.


Call No: P313-A2a2

Description: E. W. Wright’s parent’s homestead

Date of origin: 1893

Type: Print

Size: 5 1/16 x 7

Condition: Excellent


[note taped to photo] Home of E. W. (Lize) Wright’s parents at Bushon, Kans. Her father on horse circa 1893.


Miscellaneous Info.:

Photo is of 2 women, 1 is holding a child. There is 1 man standing on the ground holding the reins to a saddle horse. There is 1 man sitting on a horse. They are surrounded by trees and in front of a house. There are 2 buildings in the fore background and several more buildings in the left background.

Other Info.: Photo has tape on top back.

Related to: P312-A2b11 (Merchant home), P313-A2a2 (E. W. Wright’s parent’s homestead), P314-A5a (Merchant Ranch), P315-F2b5 (Portrait of Mr. Merchant and his daughters), P316-F2b1 (Portrait of Alex Foltz family), P317-A5a (Merchant Ranch), P318-F1b (Portrait of Alec Foltz),

Subject: Bushon, E. W. (Lize) Wright’s Parent’s Home, early settlers, family, homestead, horse, house, Kansas, Men, women,