Call No: PC5-D2a
Description: Broom corn crop in Liberal
Date of origin:
Type: Postcard
Size: 3 1/2 x 5 1/2
Condition: Good
[front] #53 Always Something (letter “s” is backwards) doing at Liberal. [back note] A Saturday street scene during the booming broom-corn years in Southwest Kansas. Photo courtesy Maurine and Crompton Tate. Don’t mark photo! [back] When hardware its hardware, can’t even buy a snap in it, was in the harness shop also, but did not talk with the owner Edison. Was in the court house also. Aug had some business there in regards school bonds he is treasure of their district. Aug. is having quite a time out here. Sunday we are invited out to dinner. There is a family here from Chester, Neb., by the name of John Preifert. Harry E. Chrisman – Return Pic; Post Card Correspondence here (short vertical line) Place Stamp Here; Name and address here; Harry E. Chrisman 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215 Liberal, Kansas (word ACTUAL written on right side)
Provenance: private collection – Maurine and Crompton Tate
Miscellaneous Info.:
Busy street scene with wagons full of broom corn. Downtown Liberal, Kansas, street scene.
Other Info.:
Related to:
Subject: Broom corn, Chester Nebraska, downtown Liberal, Edison owner of hardware store, Farmers, horses, John Preifert, Liberal Kansas, Maurine and Cromptom Tate, Southwest Kansas, Southwest Kansas Lands building, Star Grocery building, street-side shops, telephone poles, Wagons,