Call No: PC26-A1a
Description: The Jones and Plummer Trail – Beaver City Oklahoma
Date of origin: 1961; 1893
Type: Postcard
Size: 3 1/2 x 5 1/2
Condition: Good
[front] The Jones and Plummer Trail – Main Street, Beaver City Okla., 1893 [back] The Jones Plummer Trail, circa 1873-1893, extended southward from Dodge City, Kansas, through Beaver City, in No Man’s Land, to Fort Elliott, Mobeetie and Rath City, Texas. The trail was the main artery of commerce, first for the Buffalo Hide Hunters and the freighters, later for the cattle herds that ranchers moved up to Dodge City and the Santa Fe railway. I layed out these cards (500) for Mrs. Sharp. Had them printed by Rawleigh Wyant and Don Adams at Southwest Daily Times. H.E.C. 1961 Post Card
Provenance: private collection – Harry Chrisman
Miscellaneous Info.:
Trail through Beaver City, Okla. Storefronts line street.
Other Info.:
Related to:
Subject: Beaver City Museum, Beaver City Oklahoma, brush, buffalo hunters, Dodge City Kansas, Don Adams, Fort Elliott, Jones and Plummer Trail, Main Street in Beaver City, Mobeetie Texas, Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. Sharp Fort Elliott, Rath City Texas, Rawleigh Wyant, Rawleigh Wyant Don Adams Southwest Daily Times, Santa Fe Railway, Southwest Daily Times, stores, Texas No Man’s Land,