Call No: P78-I2
Description: Jack rabbit roundup
Date of origin: 1935
Type: Print
Size: 3 1/2 x 5 9/16
Condition: Good
[front] Photo by C.A. Smith – 1935
[back] 3 [3 is circled] Harry E. Chrisman 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215 [address is stamped twice] Harry E. Chrisman LANE D, APT 74 LIBERAL, KANSAS [address is stamped once]
[note] 3 [3 is circled] Picture No. 3 When the slat (fence) gate is closed behind them, the men and boys enter pen and club frightened animals to death. The woman in pen with club is mopping up on jacks that have been beaten and stunned but are still alive. Thousands of dead jackrabbits litter the ground over an area of fifty to seventy-five yards in the Pen. – Photos courtesy Lee Larrabee.
Provenance: private collection – Lee Larrabee
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is of dead and stunned jackrabbits in pen; people clubbing rabbits while people in background watch.
Other Info.: Photo has tape on top back and a paperclip stain on top right corner.
Related to: P123-I2 (Jack rabbit roundup), P257-I2 (Jack rabbit roundup), P552-I2 (Jack rabbit roundup), P553-I2 (Jack rabbit roundup), P77-I2 (Jack rabbit roundup),
Subject: jack rabbits, Lee Larrabee, people with clubs,