Call No: P550-F1b
Description: Solomon Butcher
Date of origin:
Type: Print
Size: 8 x 10
Condition: Excellent
[Back] LB50425 Return to HARRY E. CHRISMAN 10245 W. 14th Ave. DENVER, COLO. 80215
[note] S.D. Butcher. Photo taken at the time he had sold his collection to Nebraska State Historical Society for $600. He was identifying and cataloging his pix. –Photo Courtesy Lynn Butcher, Capt. U.S.A. (Ret.) [all underlined in note]
These three pix show S.D. Butcher at Nebraska State Hist. Soc., cata-loging and identifying his glass plate photos at time of sale. Harry E. Chrisman Collections—Denver.
HARRY E. CHRISMAN 10245 W. 14th Ave. DENVER, COLO. 80215 [stamp] Return all Pix not purchased + used HEC
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is of S.D. Butcher standing at table holding pictures in his hand and looking at camera. There are things on the table in front of him. There are framed photos on the table and behind him. There are two bookcases in the right and left background. There are double doors behind the frames on table.
Other Info.: Photo has a white sticker on the back with LB50425 written on it.
Related to: P299-F1b (Solomon Butcher standing at table), P551-F2b5 (Butcher Family), P75-F1b (Solomon Butcher at table), P74-F1b (Bareback bronc rider),
Subject: collection, Glass plate photographs, Lynn Butcher, Nebraska State Historical Society, pictures, S.D. Butcher, Solomon Devore Butcher,