Call No: P520-F1b
Description: Stephen Hancock
Date of origin: 1885
Type: Print
Size: 4 1/4 x 6 1/2
Condition: Good
[front] H L Stiles STUDIO EXTRA FINISH CLARENCE, Mo. ; S. M. Hancock ; 1885
[back] Reduce photo to 3 1/4 x 3 1/2″ ; H.L. Stiles CLARENCE, MO. ; S.M. Hancock 1885 ; Ny Father was in [to or no] Collecting money in out standing accounts He was there at the time of the big blizzard of 1886 Jan 6th in Stevens Co Kansas ; Return this Picture CE Hancock 10419 Mills ave Whittier Calif ; Return to HARRY E. CHRISMAN 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215 [There is printing on the back but the handwritten notes are on top of it.]
[note] Copy C [C is underlined] ; S.M. Hancock, father of Charles E. Hancock, was active in the affairs of Stevens County, Kansas soon after his arrival there in 1885. ; 3 1/4 x 3 1/2 Wide – length
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is a portrait of a man. He has a full beard and moustache. He is in a suit and tie. You can see from the chest up.
Other Info.: Photo is mounted on a thick piece of cardboard. The back has a picture of a lady standing with a pen and paper in each hand. She has long flowing hair. There is a rose above her and a circle with a star in the middle. The star has a face. Back of pho
Related to: P519-F1b (Charles Edward Hancock), P521-F1a (Lottie Grace Hancock),
Subject: 1885, Father of C. E. Hancock, H. L. Stiles photo, Stephen Hancock, Stephen Monroe Hancock, Stevens County Kansas,