Call No: P519-F1b
Description: Charles Edward Hancock
Date of origin: 1890
Type: Print
Size: 4 1/4 x 6 1/2
Condition: Fair
[front] age 17 ; L Stiles STUDIO EXTRA FINISH CLARENCE, M
[back] My Father died Dec 19 – 1889 I put out a big crop in 1890 in Sept 1890 we moved back to Missouri This Picture was taken that winter 1890 So this is the way I looked when we left Stevens Co Kansas ; Return this picture to CE Hancock 10419 Mills ave Whittier Calif ; Mr Chrisman it would Pain me very much to loose these Pictures we were school Mates a Boy and a Girl who became sweet hearts and then in 1895 became Man and wife and then sweet hearts for 65 married life happy years to gether ; Reduce Photo to 3 1/4″ x 3 1/2″ ; Return to HARRY E. CHRISMAN 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215 [Denver address is stamped twice, once over the Liberal address which is illegible] ;
[note] Copy A [Copy A is underlined] ; Charles Edward Hancock at age 17. Charles had just left southwest Kansas and put his cowboy life behind him, though he continued to hear the Call of the Prairie in his heart. The photo was by H.L. Stiles, Clarence, Missouri, where Charles lived in the early 1890s. Photo courtesy of Charles E. Hancock Sr. [Photo courtesy of Charles E. Hancock Sr. is underlined]
[job form] Job #302760H Ref #1 .20/1.31 Page #144A A HT [HT is circled] Shoot at 100%
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is a portrait of a young man. He is in a tie, vest, and jacket. Photo is from stomach up.
Other Info.: Photo is stained on front. Edges are worn. Bottom of photo is faded. His right shoulder is different than his left. It almost looks like it was drawn in. Back of photo has tape and tape tear marks on top and bottom. Tape took off the top of the d i,
Related to: P520-F1b (Stephen Hancock), P521-F1a (Lottie Grace Hancock),
Subject: Charles Ed Hancock Sr., Clarence Missouri, H. L. Stiles photo, Southwest Kansas,