Call No: P495-F2a4
Description: Charles Hancock and Family in a trailer house
Date of origin: 1917
Type: Print
Size: 7 3/8 x 10
Condition: Poor
[front of photo] Charles Ed Hancock, Boy Charles Hancock, Mildred Hancock (Schmidt) daughter, Pauline Hancock (Franklin), Clarence E.(Bud)Hancock, Mrs. Lottie Grace Hancock, Merna Hanock (Morris), and the elderly man who bought the house ; [there is a line and x’s across the top front of photo]
[in photo] This House insured by Griffith & Baughman ; [sign] OWN YOU[R] ; LET HANCOCK BUILD ; EASY TERMS [SUNNYSIDE ADDITION] PHONE [?]
[front of cardboard the photo is mounted on] Reduce to 9 x 5 1/2″ ; This is how this “trailer house” was pulled ; [has an arrow pointing down] ; Charles E. Hancock, Sr., Son Charles E., Mildred, Pauline, Clarence E.(Bud), Lottie Grace, Merna. Elderly man bought the house.
[back of cardboard mount] Charles Edward Hancock and family March-October 1917 ; Sign on front door reads : “This House Insured By Griffith + Baughman ; Sign on top of house reads: “Hancock The Home Builder” ; Negative [with arrow pointing down to left] ; Return Photo to HARRY E. CHRISMAN 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215 ; 1988
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is of a family sitting in a trailer house. There are flowers and leaves decorating it. There is a sign on the front. There are wheels on the bottom of it. There are houses in the background. There is an elderly man standing on the right. There is a sign to the right of man. Sign is hard to read.
Other Info.: Had envelope E31 and negative N194 taped to back. Envelope says Negs of Hancock + prints. There were two 5×7 prints of original photo in envelope.
Related to: E31-F2a4 (Hancock family), N194-F2b3 (Enclosed building on wheels with flowers and people on it), P276-F2a4 (Hancock family in trailer), P495-F2a4 (Charles Hancock and Family in a trailer house), P523-F2a4 (Charles Ed Hancock Family and trailer house), P543-F2a4 (Charles Ed Hancock Family and trailer house),
Subject: Charles E. Hancock Jr., Charles Ed Hancock Sr., Clarence E. Hancock, family, house, Lottie Grace Hancock, Merna Hancock, Mildred Hancock, Pauline Hancock, Trailer House,