Call No: P453-D1a2
Description: Trail herds
Date of origin: unknown
Type: Print
Size: 5 1/8 x 7
Condition: Excellent
[back] Cow camp of cattle outfit on the Cimarron, N.M. ; CREDIT DENVER PUBLIC LIBRARY WESTERN HISTORY DEPARTMENT PHOTO BY Kirkland, Cheyenne, Wyo. [Kirkland, Cheyenne, Wyo. is crossed out] REPRODUCTION OF PRINT IS SUBJECT TO USE FEE ORDER # 03632 ; NOTICE THIS MATERIAL MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW (TITLE 17 U.S. CODE) ; Cowboys (prints) ; F26325 ; Return To HARRY E. CHRISMAN 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215 [Return To HARRY E. CHRISMAN 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215 is circled]
[note] Q. How big was a “trail herd” of cattle, and how many riders and others did it require to move them?
A. Trail herds were of various sizes, from a herd of 500 or 1,000 head to those larger herds that came from Texas to Montana, 2,500 head to 3,000 head. Seldom over 3,000 head per herd. It took a dozen men to properly move them to market, or railhead. 1. The Boss Man. 2. A cook. 3. AWrangler for the horse herd of sixy-seventy head. 4. Nine cowboys to drive the cattle, if a large (2,500-3,000) herd. The [insert mark] TV outfit in New Mexico above, has 10 riders, plus the cook, and a cavvy of about 50-60 saddle-horses.
—Denver Public Library Photo.
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is of 10 men standing or sitting on horses. There are tents or tepees behind them. Behind the tepees are a herd of horses and a wagon. There appears to be a lake or some body of water behind the horses. One horse is standing in the water. There are a herd of cattle on the opposite side of the water.
Other Info.: “The 1000 Most Asked Questions about the American West”
Related to:
Subject: cattle, cattle trail, Cimarron, cowboys, horses, New Mexico, tents, Wagons,