Call No: P3-B1b
Description: Orange train wreck
Date of origin: 1902
Type: Print
Size: 4 9/16 x 6 5/16
Condition: Fair
[front] An other picture of the orange train wreck. [back note] In 1902 the engine of one train crashed into the caboose of a fruit train. Oranges were scattered all over the tracks at Liberal, KS. Dr. J.C. Watkins was obliged to use an axe in cutting a trainman’s leg off to extract him from the wreckage near the boiler. The man was deadheading back to his home. Dr. Watkins later lived at Harlingen Texas. Photo from Chrisman Collection. 8 24 65 % [on back] Train wreck on Chi & Rock Island at Liberal, Kansas, circa 1902. Engine of one train hit caboose of second train. Trainman’s leg had to be cut off to free him from engine. Several carloads of oranges were scattered [pell mill] over the right-of-way. 8 Harry E. Chrisman Lane D. Apt. 74 Bluebonnet Courts, Liberal, KS Harry E. Chrisman 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215
Provenance: Chrisman Collection – private
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is of a wrecked caboose, train engine. Cars sit on tracks. Crowd gathered, some working on train. Debris and other items litter the ground.
Other Info.: Photo is on thick cardboard.
Related to:
Subject: barrel, building, debris, Dr. J.C. Watkins, gathered crowd, Harlingen Texas, Liberal Kansas, orange train caboose, steam from engine, telephone poles, train cars, train engine, train track,