Call No: P201-D1a1
Description: Issuing cattle on Rosebud Reservation
Date of origin:
Type: Print
Size: 5 x 7
Condition: Very Good
[front] VI [?] Cattle on Rosebud Reserv. [back] VI Return photo to Harry E. Chrisman 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215 [note] VI; 5 x 7″; Q. How were cattle issued to the Indians on the Reservations? A. When the Texas trail herds arrived, the animals were corraled. Each Indian family entitled to a beef was called, a steer turned out the gate and the Indian family killed it and butchered it right there on the prairie. The above scene is from an issue at the Rosebud Reservation, Todd County, S.D. — photo from author’s collection (line and markings; unreadable)
Miscellaneous Info.:
Picture is of corralled cows. There are people on horseback and standing outside of the corral.
Photo has tape on top back.
Other Info.:
Related to: E24 (Issuing Cattle on Rosebud Reservation), M/F10 (Issuing Cattle on Rosebud Reservation), N210-D1a1 (Issuing cattle on Rosebud Reservation),
Subject: cattle, Indians, Reservations, Rosebud Reservation, Texas trail herds, Todd County South Dakota,