Call No: P2-F2f1
Description: Cowboys (originals) by Kirkland, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Date of origin:
Type: Print
Size: 5 1/8
Condition: Good
[back of photo] Credit Denver Public Library Western History Department Photo by Kirkland, Cheyenne, Wyo. Reproduction of print is subject to use fee order # 03632. Notice this material may be protected by copyright law (title 17 U.S. Codes). Return to Harry E. Chrisman, 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215. Cowboys (originals) (Kirkland) F4211 [note taped to photo] Q. What sort of saddle horses did the old-time range cowboys ride? A. The photographer Kirkland of Cheyenne caught this excellent group of saddlehorses on the Roundup near Cheyenne. It depicts the general mustang stock the cowmen used in the 1880’s and 1890’s on the Wyoming range. Some of the stock had, by this time, been crossed with Morgan, American Bred Saddler and even Thoroughbred stock. Even traces of the Texas Steel Dust breeding remained in these fine saddle horses. –Denver Public Library Photo
Provenance: Denver Public Library
Miscellaneous Info.:
Picture is of men with horses; some men are sitting on ground. Was in a manila envelope.
Other Info.: reproduction
Related to: C6-F2f1 (Book sales), D1-F2f1 (Tristate OLD-TIME cowboys memorial museum), D2-F2f1 (Letter addressed to Hello Tri-State Cowboy member:), D3-F2f1 (Letter addressed to Howdy Pardner:), D4-F2f1 (New members since August 1, 1967), D5-F2f1 (New members since August 1, 1967), D6-F2f1 (New members – Tri-State Old Time Cowboys Association), D7-F2f1 (New members – Tri-State Old Time Cowboys Association), D8-F2f1 (Gone to God’s Great Range), D9-F2f1 (Old Cowboy Ed Wright on horse), E5-F2f1 (Envelope from Ed Wright), E6-F2f1 (Envelope from Ed Wright to Chrisman), L10-F2f1 (Friend Harry: letter), L9-F2f1 (Ed Wright’s book), P2-F2f1 (Cowboys (originals) by Kirkland, Cheyenne, Wyoming),
Subject: Cheyenne, cowboy, horse, roundup, saddle horse, transportation, Wyoming,