Call No: P15-A3b1
Description: Rock Island Railroad Depot
Date of origin: 1890s
Type: Print
Size: 4 11/16 x 6 5/8
Condition: Good
[front] Don’t mark photo! [back] Reduce photo to 4 x 2 3/4″ [back note 1] Copy G-3 The Rock Island railway depot was one of the fine buildings in Liberal. A fine masonry building was at the east end, where the group stands. Photo courtesy Maurine and Crompton Tate. [back note 2] Harry: Crompton said to give his copy of the picture to the museum, too. Mrs. Watson Rogers at Rock Island (granddaughter of the McDermotts) said she might be able to identify some of the people from old pictures she has. — Maurine Return photo to Harry E. Chrisman 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215 [on building] Liberal Lunch, cigars and tobacco Hotel Lunch Lunchroom
Provenance: Private Collection — Maurine and Crompton Tate
Miscellaneous Info.:
Three men and seven women stand in front of Rock Island Depot in Liberal, KS.
Other Info.: Photo is on carboard mat/frame. Frame is 6 15/16 x 8 15/16″
Related to:
Subject: Depot fire cart, flag, Greer House, Liberal Kansas, Maurine and Cromptom Tate, McDermott’s Hotel Dining Room, Mrs. Watson Rogers, Rock Island Railroad Depot, train track,