Call No: P10-F2a4
Description: Sharp’s Creek Fishing Trip
Date of origin:
Type: Print
Size: 8 1/8 x 10
Condition: Very Good
[back] Sharps Creek at Fulkersons Bernard Lemert (with light colored vest and pole) Mrs. Fulkerson (above him) / Mr. Fulkerson (with mustach, white shirt, black vest) / Aunt Betty Lemert? (Beside Mr. Fulkerson) Cowboy (?) / Bernard was foreman of Crooked L operation in strip, headquarters at Fulkersons. [stamp] Harry Chrisman, Lane D. Apt. 77, Blue Bonnet Courts, Liberal, Kansas
Miscellaneous Info.:
There are 2 children and 1 woman who are not mentioned on the back.
Other Info.:
Related to:
Subject: Bernard Lemert, Crooked L, fishing, geese, horses, ranches, Sharp’s Creek,