Call No: L11-E1a3
Description: From desk of Walt Thayer
Date of origin: 03/10/1976
Type: Letter
Condition: Good
From the desk of Walt Thayer; W. Thayer Box 2175 Wenatchee, Wash. 98801; Howdy Harry: For 20 years I kept old negatives of N. west rodeos on file and not long ago I threw out most of them as “dead” and not need to keep them. Now I suddenly get a request for several good photos of “active bucking horse scenes.” of horse trying to buck off the rider. Do you have such a thing I could borrow for a few days? Will return them promptly. Went to see an old rodeo man, (86) Monday and found him in a nursing home; so no chance of photos from him. I still have some group photos of rodeo riders dating back to 1945. 73’s Walt Thayer [back of letter] Sent 13 Pix to Walt 3-12-76 (line seperating text) Not returned to best of my knowledge.
Miscellaneous Info.:
Was in a manila envelope.
Other Info.:
Related to: E7-F2f1 (27 cowboy photos), L12-E1a3 (Dear Mr. Chrisman: Hobbs N.M. 1-28-66), NC7-E1a3 (Bareback broncs),
Subject: bronco’s, cowboys, horses, rodeos, Walt Thayer, Wenatchee Washington,