Call No: C4-D1a2
Description: Descriptions of three pictures
Date of origin:
Type: Comments
Size: 7 x 8″
Condition: Good
Pic # 1 “Good neighbors help out at “Round Up Time” shown left to right are Dean Shade, Bob Mapes, Mac Johnson, Duncan Major, Clyde Taft, Bill Baker, Mrs. Duncan Major, Malcom Major and Jim Cooper —- and all in LEVI’S! This picture is missing so far. (highlighted in yellow) Pic # 2 Left to right: Clyde Taft, Ethel Major and her (word crossed out with arcs above and below) husband Duncan Major take their seats in the buffalo grass for a noon lunch close by the chuckwagon. Pic #3 Ethel Major does a little old-fashioned wash-up before noon-day lunch on the round-up. These three photos courtesy of Lucille Crish, The Huerfans World. (sentence underlined)Walsenburg, Colorado. Return to Harry E. Chrisman 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215
Miscellaneous Info.:
Other Info.:
Related to: P130-D1a2 (Lady washing up), P129-D1a2 (Lunch on a Roundup),
Subject: Bill Baker, Bob Mapes, buffalo grass, chuckwagon, Clyde Taft, Dean Shade, Duncan Major, Ethel Major, Jim Cooper, Lucille Crish, Mac Johnson, Malcom Major, pictures, Round up time,