Chrisman Collection

Harry E. Chrisman, former Liberal author and historian, donated a large collection of his writings, photographs, and other items to Liberal Memorial Library for the purpose of research. This database searches the contents of the Chrisman Collection.


Call No: P174-F2d1

Description: Town band

Date of origin:

Type: Print

Size: 5 x 7

Condition: Very Good


[back] Return photo to Harry E. Chrisman 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215
[note] Q. How large did a town have to be in the early days to afford a Town Band? A: The size of the town meant little, it was how many musicians lived there that counted. Liberal, Kansas, founded in 1888, when the CK & N Railroad reached there, had a town band the following year. Their (later) football team received its name from a remark by a visiting newspaper editor who heard the band play and said “They play like a band of wild Indians!” Thus the Liberal Redskins are the high school football team today.


Miscellaneous Info.:

Picture is of a band with 9 men and 2 boys. Each are holding a musical instrument.

Other Info.:

Related to:

Subject: band, CK & N Railroad, football team, high school, Liberal Kansas, Liberal Redskins, Town band,