Call No: PC3-C2c
Description: Freight train wreck
Date of origin: July or August 18, 1938
Type: Postcard
Size: 3 1/2 x 6 1/2
Condition: Good
[front] Wrecked freight train on R.I. RR at Arkalon Bridge 8-18-38. Engine 5036. Cost $115,000. Wt. 733200 lbs. Power 67000 Drawbar Booster 70000 lbs. Turtle Studio. 21. [back] Post Card Turtle Studio Kodak Finishing and Gift Shoppe Liberal, Kans. 14 S. Kansas Ave. Correspondence. Address. Place Stamp Here. 34 (circled) 75% Harry E. Chisman 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215. [back note] 34 (circled) 24 Engineer Walter Walker rode old Engine 5036 into the Cimarron when floods caused the bridge to give way, July 18, 1938.
Provenance: private collection – Turtle Studio, Liberal KS
Miscellaneous Info.:
Cranes pull engine from train wreckage. People look on from bridge, ground below.
Other Info.:
Related to:
Subject: Arkalon bridge, Cimarron River, Kodak, Liberal Kansas, people, railroad ties, Rock Island Railroad, train engine, train wreckage, Turtle Studio, two cranes, Walter Walker, workers Engine 5036,