Call No: P36-E1a1
Description: Bull rider
Date of origin:
Type: Print
Size: 4 x 5
Condition: Very Good
[front] Tommie Douglas thrown from “Teddy” copyright 1921 (R.R. Doubleday) Norton, Kans. [back] Tommie Douglas thrown from “Teddy” Bucking steer Norton, Kansas ©1921 R.R. Doubleday “Teddy” was purchased in 1917 from the 101 Ranch in Oklahoma. Four seconds was the longest any rider ever stayed on his back. In 1920 at Madison Square Garden they offered a (insert symbol)large prize to anyone staying aboard a full five minutes. No takers.
Miscellaneous Info.:
Trees in far back then fence with people on it and in front of it. 3 horses with riders; 2 horses tied to fence. 1 cowboy being thrown off of a longhorn.
Other Info.:
Related to:
Subject: bull, Bull rider, cowboys, Kansas, Norton, Teddy (bull), Tommie Douglas,