Call No: P398-F2f1
Description: Don Bell
Date of origin:
Type: Print
Size: 8 x 10
Condition: Very Good
[front] To Harry Don Bell Ft Worth Texas
[back] 72
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is of a man getting thrown from a bucking bull. The man is sliding off towards the camera. The bull’s head is down. Can not see the bull’s feet. There is a rig and bucking strap on the bull. There are tall wood pens behind the bull. There are 2 men standing next to the pens. One man’s arm is resting on wood.
Other Info.: There is tape on top front of photo. There is a tape tear mark on the top right front side.
Related to: P394-F1b (Don Bell), P395-F1b (Don Bell), P396-F2a1 (Don Bell), P397-F2f1 (Don Bell), P398-F2f1 (Don Bell), P399-F1b (Don Bell),
Subject: bull riding, Bulls, cattle, corral, cowboys, Don Hill, Fort Worth Texas, Harry Chrisman, rodeo,