Call No: P74-F1b
Description: Bareback bronc rider
Date of origin:
Type: Print
Size: 8 x p 15/16
Condition: Good
[back] Credit – Harry E. Chrisman Lane D. Apt. 74 Bluebonnet Courts Liberal, Kansas. [stamped twice]; Negative of this pic in Mrs. Roger’s files, but owned by HEC.
[note] Con Jackson aboard Quanah Parker – Riding the horse with circingle, double-hand hold, horses head free. A rough way to ride. Try it, sometime! Con Jackson was one of the better bucking horse riders in southwest Kansas and the Neutral Strip. Con caught and broke wild horses with Perry Bright [righ circled with line going to top of page towards Brite] Brite. He also did some contest riding, capturing top prizes wherever he showed. He liked to set out with his friend, Walt Naylor (as they did to the Kingman Fair, one time and [insert symbol] in 1900) “try out a few broncs for size.” Con was also a good roper and won contest money in the steer roping contests. At that time they roped Texas longhorns, range-raised, wild stock. Con later worked for a meat packing house as xxxxxxx livestock buyer. Burris Wright and Frank Peacock both said, “Con was one of the best.” — Photo courtesy Mrs. [insert symbol] Mary Elizabeth Rogers
Provenance: Harry E. Chrisman private collection
Miscellaneous Info.:
Cowboy riding a bareback bronc in a corral with one rail broken. Picture has fuzzy background. Looks like possible horses and people behind the fence.
Other Info.: Photo has tape on top back.
Related to: P299-F1b (Solomon Butcher standing at table), P550-F1b (Solomon Butcher), P551-F2b5 (Butcher Family),
Subject: bucking horse, Con Jackson, Kingman Fair, Neutral Strip, Perry Brite, Quanah Parker (horse), Southwest Kansas, steer roping Mary Elizabeth Rogers, Texas Longhorns Burris Wright Frank Peacock, Walt Naylor,