Call No: P72-C2c
Description: train wreck
Date of origin: July 1919
Type: Print
Size: 5 x 6 7/8
Condition: Good
[front] [62 is on a Pole]
[back] 15 [15 is circled] ; [there is another circle with scribbles in it] ; Harry E. Chrisman 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215
[note] 15 [15 is circled] 24 [24 is circled] In July of 1919, Engine No. 921, Bob Ford and Rex Mathews in the cab, Left the track on the north side as the train they were pulling [following written first and then scribbled out]went over on the south side, killing both men. — Photos courtesy O.B. Wimmer. 62%
Miscellaneous Info.:
Train on it’s side off of track. Track missing in one section. Another train on track behind wreck. 7 men looking at missing tracks. Fence on side. House in background.
Other Info.: Photo is stained on back. Corners were bent.
Related to: P73-C2c (Train wreck),
Subject: Bob Ford, Engine No. 921, fence, house, Men, O.B. Wimmer photo, Rex Mathews, train, train track, train wreck,