Call No: P417-H1c2
Description: Olds’ Grave at Adobe Walls, Texas
Date of origin: Unknown
Type: Print
Size: 2 1/2 x 2 3/8
Condition: Good
[note with photo] OLDS’ GRAVE AT ADOBE WALLS, TEXAS William Olds, killed after the battle at Adobe Walls when his gun accidentally discharged, was buried at this location. In the distance can be seen the mesa on which the last Indian was said to have been shot when Billy Dixon made a long-distance “scratch shot” with his powerful buffalo rifle, a U.S. Springfield 45-70 now at Canyon, Texas Museum.
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is of a pipe fence corner. It looks out through the pipe fence. There are plains all around it.
Other Info.: Photo has tape on left top corner front.
Related to: P416-H1h (Adobe Walls Battlefield),
Subject: Adobe Walls Texas, Billy Dixon, Buffalo rifle, Canyon Texas Museum, Indian, Olds’ Grave, Springfield 45-70, William Olds,