Call No: P365-F1ab
Description: Harry Chrisman and Agnes Wright Spring
Date of origin: June 1970
Type: Print
Size: 3 1/2 x 5
Condition: Excellent
[front] JUN 70 Harry + Agnes Wright Spring North Platte, Nbr. [in photo on barn] SCOUTS [?] RANCH
[back] Harry E. Chrisman + Agnes Spring Wright [Spring Wright has the symbol ‘transpose elements’ around them] North Platte, Neb June 15-19 W. W. A. Convention
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is in color. There is tape on top front of photo. Photo is of Harry and a woman with arms around each other. They are facing the camera. There is a red and white barn behind them. The barn has 3 words on the side of the roof. There is a tall tree behind them and in front of the barn. There is a woman walking towards the front of the barn.
Photo has tape on front top.
Other Info.: Plastic sleeve has a notation 67-70 [or 72] last 2 [2 is circled]
Related to: P364-F2a1 (Harry Chrisman and Bob Howard),
Subject: Agnes Wright Spring, Harry Chrisman, Nebraska, North Platte Nebraska, Scrapbook, W. W. A. Convention, Western Writers of America,