Call No: P288-F1a
Description: Francis Dunlap Hardeman Easter Sunday 1912
Date of origin: 1912
Type: Print
Size: 3 7/16 x 5 5/8
Condition: Good
{back of photo} Do you want a good laugh- well look at this. It was taken when I had the Lariet around Earl’s neck trying to get him as Dear old dad used to say + I was dressed in my very best [very best is underlined] It was Easter Sunday – 1912.
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is of a woman standing on a bridge. She is dressed up in a dress and hat. She is holding something in her right hand. There is a telephone or electric pole behind her. There is a source of water on the ground behind her.
Other Info.:
Related to: P277-F1b (G A Dunlap), P278-F1a (Flory (Mook) Dunlap {Mrs. George Allan Dunlap}), P280-F1ab (Mr. & Mrs. George Dunlap), P281-F2b5 (Delyria’s family), P282-F1a (Flory (Mook) Dunlap), P283-F2a2 (Cathy and Grandma Dunlap about 1938), P284-F1a (Flory (Mook) Dunlap), P285-F1a (Delrya Dunlap Bell), P286-F1a (Francis Dunlap Hardeman (Child)), P287-F1a (Francis Dunlap Hardeman (young woman)), P288-F1a (Francis Dunlap Hardeman Easter Sunday 1912), P289-F1b (Earl Hardeman), PC49-F2a3 (Bernice, Shan, and Maynard Dunlap),
Subject: Francis Dunlap Hardeman, woman,