Call No: P235-L1a
Description: Poisonous Plants
Date of origin: 1956
Type: Print
Size: 8 1/8 x 10
Condition: Excellent
[back] 16045 N Poisonois Plants – LocoweedUnited States Department of Agriculture Office of Information White Locoweed (Oxytropis lambertii) – This is one of five species of locoweed found in the western range states. Animals become nervous, jerky in their movements, and generally wild after feeding on the plants, hence the name loco. (In Spanish loco means crazy) Locoweeds are perennials and belong to the pea family.
N-16045 Credit USDA Photo June 1956
No responsibility of any nature is assumed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the use of this photograph for any advertising purposes also this official photograph is furnished with the understanding that it will not be used in any way that will imply recommendation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture of any commercial product.
Miscellaneous Info.:
Picture is a black and white photo of locoweed.
Other Info.:
Related to: L16-L1a (Letter from USDA), L17-L1a (Letter from USDA),
Subject: Locoweed Plant,