Call No: P224-F2b2
Description: Bell ladies
Date of origin: 1917
Type: Print
Size: 6 3/4 x 9 7/8
Condition: Excellent
[Back] Please return to Catherine Chrisman 10245 W. 14th Ave., Denver, Colo. 80215 Copy D Send to Catherine, Taken about 1917 Delyra Dunlap Bell about 30, Bernie Bell Muller about 8 1/2 Catherine Bell Chrisman about 6
Miscellaneous Info.:
Catherine Bell Chrisman – Harry Chrisman’s wife
Other Info.:
Related to: P222-F2b3 (Ralph Bell family), P223-F2b3 (Ralph Bell Family),
Subject: 1910s, Bell, Bernie Bell Muller, Catherine Bell, Catherine Chrisman, Delyra Dunlap Bell, Delyra Dunlap Bell family, Muller, women, women family,