Call No: P213-H1d1
Description: Chrisman sitting on a fallen tree
Date of origin: June 30, 1962
Type: Print
Size: 2 1/2 x 2 3/4
Condition: Very Good
[front] Kodak Safety Film [back] June 30, 1962; Harry E. Chrisman at Harwood Ranch; + 4 1/2; July 2 (crossed out); June 30, 1962 [note 1] Order form from Johnson Publishing Co. 839 Pearl Street P.O. Box 990 Boulder, Colorado. #4240. [note 2] 14 ems; site of old Harwood Ranch; The author is shown near the spring at the old Harwood Ranch, one of the first in Seward County. The location was known as Harwoodville, and the county’s first news-paper was published there, “The Prairie Owl.” The Harwoodville post office was established there on July 27, 1885, the office moving to Fargo Springs and taking on the name of that village on December 22, 1885. W.I. Harwood, Dodge City cattleman “with range west of the Adobe Walls Trail,” was the principal. His brand was a Circle Cross L connected. (Photo [underlined] by xxxxxxx courtesy the author [by xxxx crossed out; courtesy the author underlined and crossed out]. From Harry E. Chrisman June 30, 1962 Make cut about 1/2 page wide across page. [back] “They killed Jed Smith”
Miscellaneous Info.:
There is a photocopy of this photo with the same number.
Photo has tape mark on bottom back.
Other Info.:
Related to:
Subject: A Prairie Owl newspaper, December 22 1885, Dodge City cattleman, Fargo Springs, Harry E. Chrisman, Harwood Ranch, Harwoodville, Harwoodville post office, July 27, 1885, Seward County, Spring, W.I. Harwood,