Call No: P196-F2a3
Description: Pioneer children of Stevens County, Kansas
Date of origin:
Type: Print
Size: 5 x 7 1/16
Condition: Good
[back] Steve [?] Pioneers; Reduce to 4 1/2 x 3″; oldest girl Mrs. Frank Peacock, Stevens County circa 1899-1909; Left to right 1. May Pearcy age 4 2. Bertha Bell (Mrs. O.K. Nelson, Hugoton) (Mrs. LeRoy Chances mother) 3. Mrs. Frank Peacock 4. Blanche Bell (Mrs. Otto Sprading) (arrow pointing to 1 and 4) 5. Bert Holloway (brother of Mrs. Peacock) 6. Unidentified boy (later was taken to asylum at Larned) Harry E. Chrisman 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215
[note] Copy K Pioneer children of Stevens County, Kansas, in the early [early is crossed out] nineties; Left to right: Blanche Bell, later Mrs. Otto Spradling; Bertha Bell, later Mrs. O.K. Nelson; Phoebe Holloway, later Mrs. Frank Peacock of Liberal; xxxxxxxxx May (Mrs. Roy) Pearcy; Bert Holloway; (unidentified boy). Photo courtesy Mrs. Frank Peacock, Liberal, Kansas. [Photo courtesy Mrs. Frank Peacock is underlined]
Miscellaneous Info.:
Picture is of 6 children standing in a line. They are standing in a line in front of a building. There are 2 women standing in the shadows of the doorway.
Other Info.: Photo has tape on top back. Photo has tape tear mark on top back.
Related to:
Subject: Bert Holloway, Bertha Bell, Blanche Bell, children, Hugoton Kansas, Larned asylum, May Pearcy, Mrs. Frank Peacock, Mrs. LeRoy Chance, Mrs. O.K. Nelson, Mrs. Otto Spradling asylum, Pioneers, Stevens County,