Call No: P188-K2
Description: Newspaper ad
Date of origin: July 1960
Type: Print
Size: 3 3/4 x 5 5/16
Condition: Very Good
[back] DC Times 6/6-1878; credit (downward pointing arrow) From the original Robert E. Eagan – Collection Box 856, Dodge City, Kansas [Front] JUL 60 Dentistry J.H. Holliday, Dentist, very respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Dodge City and surrounding country during the summer. Office at room No. 24, Dodge House. Where satisfaction is not given money will be refunded. [line seperating paragraphs]
Mr. R. P. Edwards, boss herder for Henry Stevens, came up from the Canadian this week, where he has been holding cattle during the winter. He started for Paladuro on Wednesday to bring up about 800 calves that have been sold by Mr. Stevens. [line seperating paragraphs]
Bona, in his Dodge City account to the [rest of paragraph cut off] [parts of side columns also cut off. Image enlarged by 125%]
Miscellaneous Info.:
Picture is of 2 ads. One about a dentist and other about a boss herder.
Other Info.:
Related to:
Subject: 1878, ads, Dodge City Times, Henry Stevens, J.H. Holliday dentist, June 6 1878, newspaper, Paladuro, R.P. Edwards boss herder, Robert E. Eagan,