Call No: P180-F1b
Description: Charles Rath
Date of origin:
Type: Print
Size: 5 x 7
Condition: Very Good
[back] Property of Harry E. Chrisman Lane D Apt. 74 Bluebonnet Courts Liberal, Kansas; 36E; Charles Rath
[note] Bob Rath worked at Liberal, KS Drug Store and I knew him well. Had many interesting talks with him. HEC Charles Rath 1838 – ? Dodge City – Rath City- Mobeetie – Fort Griffin [paragraph starts] Merchant, Indian trader, hide buyer, Charles Rath was one of the best-known men in the Southwest Plains area. He married Carrie Markely in Sweet Wine, Ohio, in 1870, came to Kansas in 1871, to Dodge City in 1872. Carrie returned to Ohio in 1873 where their first child, Jesse Crane, a son, was born. Had she remained in Dodge he would have been the first white child born there. [next paragraph] Rath had two brothers at Dodge —- Criss and William. Wm lived over the old frame store building, corner of Bridge (Second) and Front Streets. [next paragraph] Rath had two other children by Carrie Markley Rath — a son Robert and a daughter Bertha. Robert was a popular Dodge pharmacist for many years. Charles Rath later had a second wife, an Indian maiden. Photo courtesy original Robert E. Eagen Collection, Dodge City, Kansas. [Photo courtesy original Robert E. Eagen Collection is underlined]
Miscellaneous Info.:
Picture is a portrait of a man in a suit with short hair and moustache. Came with a clipping and note.
Other Info.: Photo has 4 glue spots on top back. Photo has tape on top and right back.
Related to: NC11-F1b (Branch stores),
Subject: Carrie Markley, Charles Rath, Dodge City Kansas, hide buyer, Indian trader, merchant, Southwest Plains, Sweet Wine,