Call No: P143-F2a1
Description: World War I veterans
Date of origin: 11/11/63
Type: Print
Size: 8 x 10 1/16
Condition: Excellent
[back] Harry E. Chrisman Lane D, Apt. 74 Bluebonnet Courts Liberal, Kansas [stamp] ; Fotorite underlined with a figure 8 to the left of it stamped several times.
Miscellaneous Info.:
Photo is of a group of elderly men. There are 5 rows of the men all facing the camera. They are standing on a sidewalk. There is a parking meter behind them on the right. There is a car next to the parking meter. On the left is a plate glass window that shows the men’s reflections.
Other Info.:
Related to: E3-F2a1 (W.W.I Vets manila envelope), NC5-F2a1 (Story of First Registraion Day in Liberal for WWI),
Subject: Joe Cannon, Liberal Kansas, newspaper, November 15 1962, soldiers, Southwest Daily Times, World War One, WW I veterans,