Call No: P122-E1a2
Description: Bonnie Grey on King Tut
Date of origin: Ca. 1922
Type: Print
Size: 4 1/16 x 5
Condition: Very Good
[front] Bonnie Grey on King Tut jumping Au[to]. Doubleday
[back] Bonnie Grey on “King Tut jumping over an Auto (Hudson Touring) © Doubleday. Re: Cheyenne Frontier Days. No Date (circa 1922) Return photo to Harry E. Chrisman 10245 W. 14th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80215
Newspaper clipping: After that day’s rodeo was over, I exercised horses, cleaned stalls and finally made the big time. Hugh and Mabel Strickland were there along with Bonnie Gray, all trick riders, and I helped with their prize horses.
I don’t recall whether it was that year or later, but at one time, as part of her act, Bonnie jumped her horse, King Tut, over an open touring car (convertible) loaded with dignitaries.
Terrible Tumble Red stretches the rawhide pretty thin here:
At the end of the jump, Bonnie missed a stirrup and was thrown. Her leather skirt caught on the saddlehorn and, in plain view of the audience, she was peeled naked as the hub caps on the car she’d just jumped.
That year, Mable Strickland won The Denver Post Ladies’Relay Race. At the time, of course, I never realized that years later as a representative of that great newspaper, I was to put an end to that event for one valid reason:
There wasn’t a lady in it. The riders all had whiskers–and wore snoods packed with horse hair.
Since that time we’ve sponsored the wild horse race. And you can bet there’s no women in it. The lib movement hasn’t gone that far.
On my first visit the rodeo lasted only four days. I rode home on a Burlington freight train. This year, starting next Saturday afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, the biggest, wildest, most exciting rodeo in the world will run nine days.
And I’ll get up there for a day at least –somehow or other.
Red Fenwick Fenwick Denver Post 7-18-71
Miscellaneous Info.:
Newspaper article attached by Red Fenwick Denver Post 7-18-71
Other Info.: Photo has tape on top back and left back.
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Subject: Bonnie Grey, Cheyenne Frontier Days, Denver Post, Doubleday photo, Hudson touring auto, King Tut, trick riding,