Chrisman Collection

Harry E. Chrisman, former Liberal author and historian, donated a large collection of his writings, photographs, and other items to Liberal Memorial Library for the purpose of research. This database searches the contents of the Chrisman Collection.


Call No: NC5-F2a1

Description: Story of First Registraion Day in Liberal for WWI

Date of origin:

Type: Newspaper Clipping

Size: 3 3/4 x 11″

Condition: Good


SWDT Thurs Nov. 15, 1962 Story of first Registration Day in Liberal for World War I is told in old paper found here. A yellowed brittle copy … Airman Black is stationed at the Amarillo Air Force Base.


Miscellaneous Info.:

Other Info.:

Related to: E3-F2a1 (W.W.I Vets manila envelope), P143-F2a1 (World War I veterans),

Subject: November 15 1962, Registration Day, soldiers, Southwest Daily Times, SWDT, World War I,